
FilmStudioLA is a 15,000 sq ft film stage located just 15 minutes south of Downtown Los Angeles featuring a collection of standing sets including: Police Station Film Set, Courtroom Film Set, Office Film Set, Hospital Film Set, Psych Ward Film Set, Prison Visitation Film Set, Warehouse Film Set, Apartment Film Set, Airplane Film Set & Green Screen. FilmStudioLA is the perfect standing sets studio for a variety of productions such as music videos, feature films, television, short films, webisodes, student films, infomercials, commercials and much more.

Uses: Cop Shop, Detention Center, Prison Visitation, Security Office, Prison, Office

Included: Judges Chambers

Uses: Apartment, Dorm, Therapists Office

Our Tavern Standing Set features a bar with back bar alcohol display, a standing bar setup, barstools, two cafe tables with chairs and more. Perfect for cafe, bar, restaurant, pub and dive bar scenes. Set does not come lit or with pictured lighting. Door does not function.

Uses: Bar, Cafe, Dive Bar, Hideout, Pub, Restaurant

Included: Executive Office

Uses: Cop Shop, Administration Office, Corporate Office, Executive Office, Bank, Therapist Office

Uses: Detention Center, Dungeon, Drug Den, Holding Cell, Interrogation Room, Hideout, Security Office, Solitary Cell

Uses: Holding Cell, Jail Cell, Interrogation Room, Detention Center, Prison, Security Office

Uses: Detention Center, Dungeon, Hideout, Prison, Stash House, Torture Room


We’re here to help, just reach out!

Located 15 Minutes South of DTLA

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